Friday, April 29, 2011

Gimp Car Editing Assignment

For this assignment we had to edit a picture of a car using GIMP.  We were given an edited photo and had to take the original photo and edit it to match the already edited photo.
What I learned from this assignment was how long it takes to edit a picture to make it look more interesting.  I also learned how to use the cloning tool to edit any light spots or imperfections on the car.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Assignment 1- People

For this assignment we were given a list of different subjects to take pictures of.  I chose to take pictures of people and things they are interested in.

For this photo I took a picture of a friend tying the ribbons on her point shoes.  The editing I did for this photo was crop and touch up a mark on the wall with Photo shop.  The most difficult part of this was finding a place to take the picture and the angle I wanted to take the picture from.

Exposure=1/15 sec

What I learned from this assignment was how long it takes to get the right photo.  You have to change a lot of settings like shutter speed and aperture to get the exposure correct.  Also finding a background that isn't too busy for the photo or distracting to the eye.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pop Art Gimp Assignment 1

 For this assignment we took a picture on of ourselves on photo booth.  We then used GIMP to edit and change the settings of the picture. We learned how to use certain tools and color editing with the GIMP program.

What I liked about this assignment was learning how to use the different tools and how to edit the colors.  It helps make your picture unique and gives a different perspective of it after the editing is all finished.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Assignment Description:
For this assignment we had to take pictures of different compositional photos.  We went around our high school and tried to find unique ways to put the parts of composition into them.

Photo Description:
Framing=Girls face
Space=Girl standing against wall
Texture=Light cover
Color=Red band
Perspective=Girl through stairs
Pattern=Lunch tables
Depth of Field=Tree branch
Rule of Thirds=Birds in water
Lines=Viola strings

What I learned:
I learned from this assignment the different aspects of composition and how to use them properly.  Also I learned how to properly capture the photo I want and set up different settings to get the right photo.